155 research outputs found

    On Chiral Mesons in AdS/CFT

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    We analyze the spectra of non-chiral and chiral bifundamental mesons arising on intersecting D7-branes in AdS5Γ—S5AdS_{5}\times S^{5}. In the absence of magnetic flux on the curve of intersection, the spectrum is non-chiral, and the dual gauge theory is conformal in the quenched/probe approximation. For this case we calculate the dimensions of the bifundamental mesonic operators. We then consider magnetization of the D7-branes, which deforms the dual theory by an irrelevant operator and renders the mesons chiral. The magnetic flux spoils the conformality of the dual theory, and induces a D3-brane charge that becomes large in the ultraviolet, where the non-normalizable bifundamental modes are rapidly divergent. An ultraviolet completion is therefore necessary to calculate the correlation functions in the chiral case. On the other hand, the normalizable modes are very well localized in the infrared, leading to new possibilities for local model-building on intersecting D7-branes in warped geometries.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figure

    Planckian Axions in String Theory

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    We argue that super-Planckian diameters of axion fundamental domains can naturally arise in Calabi-Yau compactifications of string theory. In a theory with NN axions ΞΈi\theta^i, the fundamental domain is a polytope defined by the periodicities of the axions, via constraints of the form βˆ’Ο€<QjiΞΈj<Ο€-\pi<Q^{i}_{j} \theta^j<\pi. We compute the diameter of the fundamental domain in terms of the eigenvalues f12≀.Λ™.≀fN2f_1^2\le\...\le f_N^2 of the metric on field space, and also, crucially, the largest eigenvalue of (QQ⊀)βˆ’1(QQ^{\top})^{-1}. At large NN, QQ⊀QQ^{\top} approaches a Wishart matrix, due to universality, and we show that the diameter is at least NfNN f_{N}, exceeding the naive Pythagorean range by a factor >N>\sqrt{N}. This result is robust in the presence of P>NP>N constraints, while for P=NP=N the diameter is further enhanced by eigenvector delocalization to N3/2fNN^{3/2}f_N. We directly verify our results in explicit Calabi-Yau compactifications of type IIB string theory. In the classic example with h1,1=51h^{1,1}=51 where parametrically controlled moduli stabilization was demonstrated by Denef et al. in [1], the largest metric eigenvalue obeys fNβ‰ˆ0.013Mplf_N \approx 0.013 M_{pl}. The random matrix analysis then predicts, and we exhibit, axion diameters >Mpl>M_{pl} for the precise vacuum parameters found in [1]. Our results provide a framework for achieving large-field axion inflation in well-understood flux vacua.Comment: 42 pages, 4 figure

    Drifting Oscillations in Axion Monodromy

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    We study the pattern of oscillations in the primordial power spectrum in axion monodromy inflation, accounting for drifts in the oscillation period that can be important for comparing to cosmological data. In these models the potential energy has a monomial form over a super-Planckian field range, with superimposed modulations whose size is model-dependent. The amplitude and frequency of the modulations are set by the expectation values of moduli fields. We show that during the course of inflation, the diminishing energy density can induce slow adjustments of the moduli, changing the modulations. We provide templates capturing the effects of drifting moduli, as well as drifts arising in effective field theory models based on softly broken discrete shift symmetries, and we estimate the precision required to detect a drifting period. A non-drifting template suffices over a wide range of parameters, but for the highest frequencies of interest, or for sufficiently strong drift, it is necessary to include parameters characterizing the change in frequency over the e-folds visible in the CMB. We use these templates to perform a preliminary search for drifting oscillations in a part of the parameter space in the Planck nominal mission data.Comment: 48 pages, 5 figure
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